Why Noun?

Noun is a space planning consultancy, founded by Joylyn Teskey, and we help businesses plan and execute effective spaces for their teams. By using our skills as story-telling number-crunchers to plan great space, we solve your space problems and help your people love where they work while saving you money.

Case Studies

Here are some solutions we’ve found to real-life space problems.

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What We Do

We listen to people. We tell their story. We analyze big data. We make space plans with ROI.


Space Planning

Space is expensive. We plan space that makes users happy, that is nimble and that costs you less money, because there is less of it than before. We make sure that space fits your needs and your brand.



Space planning is actually people planning. We start with talking with your people and we bring them along through the process, so they feel a part of the solution.


Change Management

Change is hard. We help align your people with your goals, setting you up for future success. We talk change and engagement early so everyone is on the same page.

Now what?

Let’s get started today!